(615) 656-0465 mark@markskenny.com


to help you build a functional, collaborative, aligned team
The Two Core Issues Derailing Teams

The Two Core Issues Derailing Teams

Four years ago, my wife and I heard some mysterious noises in the attic above our bedroom, which became a good example of the importance of understanding the nature of a problem.

Top Five Roundup: March 27, 2023

Top Five Roundup: March 27, 2023

Each week, I read articles and listen to podcasts from various resources on building functional, collaborative, and aligned teams. Here are my top five picks from last week.

Top Five Roundup: March 20, 2023

Top Five Roundup: March 20, 2023

Each week, I read articles and listen to podcasts from various resources on building functional, collaborative, and aligned teams. Here are my top five picks from last week.

Leadership is a Burden

Leadership is a Burden

While working with a group of leaders a few weeks ago, one leader remarked on the weight of responsibility she felt while leading her team. She was questioning whether it was a positive or negative that leadership felt like a heavy weight on her shoulders. Perhaps you feel the same way.


Schedule a call with Mark to discuss how one of his consulting, speaking, or training programs can help you build functional, collaborative, aligned teams.