(615) 656-0465 mark@markskenny.com


to help you build a functional, collaborative, aligned team
The Plate: What Might Be Missing On Your Team

The Plate: What Might Be Missing On Your Team

Recently, I received an email from my alma mater, with the following excerpt from its new president that got me thinking about what’s missing with many of the clients I serve.

The Leader Serves the Team (not the other way around)

The Leader Serves the Team (not the other way around)

On summer break one year in college, I went on a mission’s trip to the Ukraine. During our time, we visited the home of one of our hosts, who proceeded to feed us small wafer cookies. Being Americans, we gobbled up the cookies in our hunger. As we were finishing up, I noticed our host nibbling on the same cookie with which he had started. While we were eating every cookie in sight, our host was carefully conserving his cookie. We had it backwards. We thought we were serving him by our presence. In reality, he was serving us. We were just eating up his cookies. As leaders of teams, we can also get this backwards.


Schedule a call with Mark to discuss how one of his consulting, speaking, or training programs can help you build functional, collaborative, aligned teams.