to help you build a functional, collaborative, aligned teamLeverage Your Team Party to Build Trust
This might be the simplest tip of all: ask one or two really good questions during your team party or celebration to further build trust on the team.
Regulate Your Genius
We all have natural working geniuses but when we use them at the wrong time, we create unnecessary turbulence on the team. Especially when we are the leader. Here’s how to fix it.
Make Your Meetings Better by Asking These Two Questions
Earlier this year, I was encouraged to ask two questions at the end of every meeting that I facilitated. Here’s what they are and how to use them.
Alignment – Create One Overarching Goal for the Team
Most of the teams I work with fall into the same trap. There is so much work to do, so many urgent priorities, that teams either become paralyzed or try to pursue multiple priorities simultaneously. Here is how to fix it.
Meetings – Get Rid of Your Meeting
If your weekly team meetings are spent just giving status to each other, stop meeting. There’s no point. Or do this.
Meetings – Separate the Strategic from the Tactical
If you want to build a functional, collaborative, aligned team, most leaders I work with find that they need to refresh their meetings. Here’s my #1 tip.
Schedule a call with Mark to discuss how one of his consulting, speaking, or training programs can help you build functional, collaborative, aligned teams.